
06 Nov

I have great ingredients. I’m working on using them better–returning my gifts with increase. The whole stewardship thing is really important to me at every level. So, I can certainly do better with the gifts I’ve got. But they are good gifts.

What the hell am I blabbing about here? Today is Mom and Dad’s 30th wedding anniversary. They’re off on some semi-secret rendezvous somewhere within driving distance. They left yesterday afternoon, right after we had brunch in Sioux Falls. (I highly recommend the Casa del Rey Sunday brunch–come hungry.) I’m really glad they are my Mom and Dad.

The rest of this post is just for them. Now, I realize I’m posting this on the world wide web, but I trust you. No peeking. 🙂

First, my heartfelt thanks to you Mom. You’ve always been my biggest fan. You held me when I cried (even when I wasn’t supposed to anymore), you believed me when I surely lied, you made my special days special, you thought I was cool even when I wasn’t, and you taught me a passion for learning that I cherish every day. You’ve given me many gifts. The greatest, though,  is your strength in faith.

You were my first catechism teacher, in second grade. You’ve never stopped teaching me–even today. I admire your faith more than you’ll ever know. I only wish I had the strength to love and live it as you do.

Dad, I thank you too. For always defending me, even when I didn’t realize you noticed what I was up to.  For protecting me from young mistakes, even though I made you feel like a hard-ass. For teaching me to work hard (though I think Jaimie wishes you would have toned that one down some 🙂 ). For sharing with me your love and respect for nature. For being my conscience more often than you could ever know. For showing me to appreciate what I have instead of wanting something else. You will always be my most trusted adviser.

And to the both of you, I thank you most for teaching me to love. When we were growing up, we didn’t need lots of kisses and hugs to know you loved us. We were reassured every day by being surrounded in your love for each other. I never remember a nasty fight between you two. Of course you had arguments, but they were always pretty peaceful ones (at least in front of us). I’ve never had a sliver of doubt in my mind–ever–that my parents love each other with all your hearts and souls. You probably don’t know how comforting and safe that made me feel growing up. I never appreciated it when I was young–I thought it was normal. As I grew up and spent time with friends and saw other families living their lives, I began to realize how special that gift was. Now I have my own family and walk that marriage journey with Jaim. Thanks for being super role models for us. You made marriage look so easy. Only true love can do that.

Happy anniversary, wherever you are. I love you both.


Posted by on November 6, 2006 in Celebrations, Family, Love


3 responses to “Made

  1. Kelly (mom)

    November 8, 2006 at 10:00 pm

    You’re welcome for whatever we did right; and I’m sorry for whatever we did wrong. We started out thinking we could “live on love”, and I guess in a way, we have. It’s been a great ride so far and after 30 years I can honestly say we love each other more than when we started. And yes, we did have a few fights, (He was the one who said he never wanted to fight in front on you kids.) but the key for me was when your dad told me that he still loves me even when he’s mad. As long as we can remember that, everything is OK in the end. That & knowing this promise is forever–no backing out!
    You turned out pretty darn good in spite of the fact that you were our first practice case. We’re both very proud of you. You & Jaimie are great parents and I see that promise of forever is real for both of you. Thanks for picking such a good wife. And thanks to both of you for the wonderful grandkids to spoil!
    We love you too. Sob, sob, sniffle…
    (And we had a great trip!)

    (And this entry got your dad to actually sit down at the computer and read it–when he came home & found me crying at the computer.)

  2. Barb

    November 12, 2006 at 9:04 am

    As a non-Bartmann looking in at the family dynamics, I agree that your parents are two of the best of God’s beautiful creations. Each day I am reminded by action, witness and just being Kelly of the privilage I have to call your mom my best friend. The bonus is your Dad. Finding friends that love God first, spouse and family is prority (even when it may not seem like it-workaholism is at epidemic porportions)and a willingness to take on friends that are somewhatlazy in the reciprocating field. Not to mention having a first hand understanding of the farming gig. It is said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, when I look at the adults you kids have become……what a blessing. Thank You. Oh yeah, I had permission to peek!

  3. Colleen

    November 24, 2006 at 11:00 pm

    ok, I just got around to reading your blog. Of course I have to respond. I too have to congratulate your parents on a job well done, not only in marriage, but in raising a wonderful family. I am thankful they have such great kids, with great values, that let me be the bossy, nosy aunt. I don’t ever doubt that you and Jaimie will grow old in love together. You did have great role models, not only in your parents but both sets of grandparents. Your very lucky!!


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