Tag Archives: bailout

Buy Low, Sell High (not “Bailout the rich guys”)


from Stuart Carlson at

It must be neat to see the world the way Guy Kawasaki does. I read his blog pretty regularly, and he always has a fascinating point of view. He’s a brand evangelist, and has a good idea for Republicans to be heroes today (not that I would wish Republicans to be heroes, but seeing a bit of heroics from anybody in Washington would be nice). Read it here.

In short, Guy says something like this: ‘hey, how about we tell this story in a different, true way? What if this big plan was about buying the bargain priced mortgages from these struggling financial institutions (the rich guys) and then selling them back in a few years after the economy recovers and these mortgages are worth a lot more–and we make a few trillion bucks for the American people. Then, let’s use that money to beef up renewable energy across the country or something very very important like that.’

Everything is about perspective. Words and framing (not that kind, Eric) are ever so important. I’ve never really understood why this or any other crisis solution from Washington wouldn’t be presented in a way that shows We, the People why it’s good for us. Silly politics…

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Posted by on September 30, 2008 in politics, rants


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